People Who Escalat A moving staircase consisting of an endlessly circulating belt of steps… This is an ongoing project and I shot the following images over a 10 week period during 2023. Setting my camera up on a bollard outside the A10 exit of Liverpool Street station, I focused on the top of the escalator to catch people as they came off the conveyor belt, faces glued to phones or coffee cups in hand (recyclable, of course). I watched and wondered where these people were going. No doubt some were off to work, places to be, people to see, important appointments, lovers trysts, a round of golf, tourists (heads stuck in Google Maps) while a few were definitely locals-you could tell by the way they accelerated off the escalator and knew exactly where they were headed.
A metropolis built at breakneck speed in the desert. It's like Blade Runner without the rain.
I struggle to define it, or understand its soul. If it indeed has one.
Everything is new-very little history remains- it looks to the future and builds its own history.
90% of the people are ex-pats flocking to the honey pot.
Consumerism on steroids.
All buildings- big ones and bigger ones. It’s like a living catalogue for skyscrapers. An architect’s dream as property developers try to outdo each other by building bigger, better, best and whatever comes after best.
It reminds me of the lines by the character Syndrome in the movie ‘The Incredibles’ “I’ll sell my inventions so that everyone can be super heroes. Everyone can be super. And when everyone’s super no one will be.”